Učenice Stela Dužićan, Ida Mađerić i Veronika Čerčić koje sudjeluju u eTwinning projektu „SWOT VET“ udružile su snage, kreativnost, maštu i entuzijazam te napisale pjesmu projektu… Kako se radi o međunarodnoj suradnji pjesma je na engleskom jeziku, nadamo se da će vam se svidjeti!


SWOT is super: it’s a hit!
Analyse and learn a bit!
Many projects we discuss,
Bring together all of us!
Strength is needed, let’s do more,
Weaklings should just be ignored!
We share knowledge just for free,
Education’s a priority!
Weakness is “out” – let it go,
change and improve, more and more!
Old approaches we don’t need,
Innovate and plant a seed!
Don’t miss a chance, grow and improve,
inactivity we disapprove!
Have a problem? Piece of cake!
Learn and progress from mistakes!

Veronika Čerčić, Ida Mađerić, Stela Dužićan

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